The analysis of the methods and interpretive tendencies of Qur'anic commentators is one of the key topics in contemporary Qur'anic studies. Manifestation Interpretation, the work of Sana'ullah Pani-pati, is considered one of the prominent interpretations of the Sunni scholars in the Indian subcontinent. By utilizing various interpretive approaches, it has had a significant impact on the understanding of the Qur'an in this region. This paper employs a descriptive-analytical method to examine Pani-pati's interpretive methodology and his theological, jurisprudential, allusive, and Sufi tendencies, while also trying to clarify the connection between these methods and the intellectual and religious foundations of the commentator. Additionally, the study refers to the interpretive sources used by Pani-pati and explores the role these sources played in the formation of his interpretive approach. The aim of this study is to analyze Pani-pati's ijtihadi (jurisprudential) approach in engaging with the Qur'an and to explain how this interpretation addresses the intellectual, cultural, and religious needs of the Muslim community in India. The results of this research indicate that the combination of various approaches in Pani-pati's interpretation has not only strengthened a deeper understanding of the Qur'anic concepts but also led to the development of fresh and enriching perspectives in various religious and intellectual domains. As a comprehensive work, Pani-pati's interpretation has provided a suitable platform for constructive interaction between Muslims and religious texts, particularly influencing the cultural and religious dynamism of the community.
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goli, M. , and rigi, M. . "An Examination of the Method and Interpretive Tendencies of Manifestation", Quranic Science Studies, 5, 4, 2024, 68-91. doi: 10.22081/jqss.2024.69731.1322
goli, M., rigi, M. (2024). 'An Examination of the Method and Interpretive Tendencies of Manifestation', Quranic Science Studies, 5(4), pp. 68-91. doi: 10.22081/jqss.2024.69731.1322
M. goli and M. rigi, "An Examination of the Method and Interpretive Tendencies of Manifestation," Quranic Science Studies, 5 4 (2024): 68-91, doi: 10.22081/jqss.2024.69731.1322
goli, M., rigi, M. An Examination of the Method and Interpretive Tendencies of Manifestation. Quranic Science Studies, 2024; 5(4): 68-91. doi: 10.22081/jqss.2024.69731.1322