An Examination of Sa'id Hawwa's Reformist Approaches in Al-Asas fi al-Tafsir

Document Type : Original Article


Quran and Hadith University of Qom, Iran


Sa'id Hawwa, a Quranic commentator and one of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement in Syria, is a contemporary thinker and writer in the Islamic world. His reformist ideas in the field of religious discourse have attracted the attention of many intellectuals. One of the key topics in Quranic knowledge and interpretive methodology is the reformist approach to interpreting the verses of the Quran. Hawwa's intellectual role within the Muslim Brotherhood has influenced his scholarly works, which reflect the movement's progressive outlook. His writings show traces of the modernist views of prominent figures like Sayyid Qutb and Jamal al-Din Asadabadi. Among the significant contemporary interpretations authored from this reformist perspective is Sa'id Hawwa’s Al-Asas fi al-Tafsir. This book is a collection of three works: Al-Asas fi al-Tafsir, Al-Asas fi al-Sunnah wa Fiqhuha, and Al-Asas fi Qawa'id al-Ma'rifah wa Dhawabit al-Fahm lil-Nusus. This research, using a descriptive-analytical method, aims to examine Hawwa’s interpretative methodology and explore his reformist ideas on topics such as: foundations of understanding Quranic and Prophetic knowledge, the theory of unity and the semantic connection of Quranic verses, addressing contemporary societal doubts and needs, and the issue of Quranic miracles. Al-Asas fi al-Tafsir stands out as a progressive interpretation in contemporary Islamic scholarship.


  1. *The Holy Qur’an

    1. Amin, M. (1951). A‘yan al-Shia (Vol. 1). Beirut: Dar al-Ta‘aruf lil-Matbu‘at. [In Arabic]
    2. Hawwa, S. (1989). Al-Asas fi al-Tafsir (Vol. 1). Cairo: Dar al-Salam. [In Arabic]
    3. Ibn Juzayy Al-Gharnati, A. M. (1995). Tafsir al-Tashil wa li-'Ulum al-Tanzil (Vol. 1). Beirut: Dar al-Arqam ibn Abi Arqam. [In Arabic]
    4. Ma‘refat, M. H. (2007). Interpretation and interpreters (Vol. 2). Qom: Al-Tamhid. [In Persian]
Volume 5, Issue 4 - Serial Number 18
December 2024
Pages 170-198
  • Receive Date: 23 July 2024
  • Revise Date: 01 October 2024
  • Accept Date: 18 November 2024
  • Publish Date: 17 December 2024