An Examination of the "Jari wa Tatbiq" (Application and Adaptation) of Quranic Teachings from the Perspective of Imam Khamenei

Document Type : Original Article


1 ostad

2 Qom


The revelation of the Quran in a specific time and place does not imply a limited scope of the divine message. Rather, the messages of the Quran should be viewed beyond the circumstances of its time of revelation, considering people of all eras as its audience. The formation of a Quranic society is contingent upon the flow and institutionalization of Quranic teachings within the community. One of the responsibilities of Quranic scholars is the systematic application and adaptation of Quranic teachings. Ayatollah Khamenei, recognizing the relevance and ongoing applicability of the Quran in all eras, has taken significant steps in this direction and has called upon the intellectual elite to engage in this effort. This descriptive-analytical research seeks to elucidate the enduring application of Quranic teachings in the thought of the Supreme Leader of Iran. Drawing inspiration from his methods of utilizing the Quran in addressing social issues, the study aims to extract the approach he advocates for the dissemination of Quranic knowledge within society. The results indicate that in his thought, concepts such as general and absolute adaptation to instances, extraction of criteria, negation of specificity, refinement of the underlying principle, relationships between rulings and subjects, attention to the capacity of Quranic vocabulary, and conceptual expansion are utilized to ensure the application and adaptation of Quranic teachings in society.


  1. *The Holy Quran

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